5 Movie Critics Who Tried (And Mostly Failed) To Make Movies

By Jon Manson /

Film critics can often come under fire for what they do - after all, the job is innately hypocritical to anyone not knowledgeable in the art of criticism. Filmmakers like Kevin Smith have lashed out at critics for daring to criticize without creating, and indeed, the argument against professional critics always concentrates on how anyone can tell someone they are bad at something when you have never done it yourself? As foolish an argument as that is to make, it still gets made especially in the modern world where anyone with a computer and the ability to bash a keyboard can be a "movie critic." However, not all professional critics are inexperienced in the art of making what they get paid to evaluate, and in fact many film critics have gone on to become very successful filmmakers. As a case in point, B-movie producer Roger Corman started life out as a film critic and director Rod Lurie (Straw Dogs, The Contender) reviewed movies before he ever picked up a camera. On the other hand, however, there have been other movie critics who have not been so successful in their attempts to leave reviewing behind and join the sea of entertainers in Hollywood. With that in mind, here's a list of five movie critics who tried (and mostly failed) to work in Hollywood...