5 Movies Marketed Entirely On Boobs

By Tim Colman /

That got your attention, didn't it? That's alright, as it's kind of the point of the films I'm about to talk about - ones that specifically used breasts (I'm going to call them that throughout, to save the lorry-load of puns that you might expect) when it came to marketing. Most of us have breasts, so there's nothing to be ashamed about, but movie makers, or rather their PR teams, know that if you're going to get the attention of an audience, then they are two quick ways to get you noticed. I'm talking mainstream movies here as well, so don't expect to see something like College Girls Bathnight 5 on the list. Especially as I haven't seen any of the previous College Girls Bathnight films, so I doubt I would understand the no-doubt complicated plots of a later sequel.

5. The Outlaw (1943)

The breakthrough film for screen goddess Jane Russell, The Outlaw was a Billy the Kid biopic. Actually, the whole film was merely window (un)dressing so director/business man/aviator Howard Hughes could put Russell on screen in as little clothing as possible. Hughes even invented a bra to accentuate Russell's figure, pushing everything up and out, although the star claimed it was so uncomfy and that she secretly replaced it with one of her own. Hughes knew the film would cause trouble, the Hollywood ethics committee were disgusted by the constant attention on Russell's cleavage, and the poster, which would have been racy by today's standards, was deemed positively pornographic. Ever the businessman, Hughes turned the furore into a marketing tool by getting his team to whip up 'ban this filth' campaigns across the US, which of course simply created more interest and giving the film the tagline "The picture that couldn't be stopped!". As a result, the film was a massive hit, launching Russell to international stardom, and Bob Hope to subsequently introduce her on TV as "the two and only Jane Russell."