5 Pranks & Stories About Actors That Are Just Too Awesome

By Cameron Carpenter /

5. Brad Pitt Forces George Clooney into Method Acting

Clooney and Pitt have battled it out in Prank Land many times before, but this particular story takes us back to 2001, during the filming of the Ocean's Eleven remake. Pitt took it upon himself to release a memo to the cast and crew of the movie that the normally-lax and friendly Clooney would be taking a different approach to his acting style during filming.
"I sent a memo to the entire Italian crew, in Italian, that said, 'Dear Crew: We wish you a wonderful shoot. George Clooney asks that this is a very difficult role for him. He needs to concentrate deeply. Mr. Clooney asks that you try not to interrupt him, look him in the eye. If you do need to address Mr. Clooney, please refer to him only as 'Daniel' or 'Mr. Ocean.' ...It went on for two weeks. He handled it gracefully, but he was becoming unnerved, I think." - Brad Pitt
You can find Pitt telling the story on his Inside the Actor's Studio episode, at around 13:25 in the video you can find below; http://youtu.be/CQlBRbLsk6c Click "next" below to read the next entry...