5 Reasons Paul Thomas Anderson Should Have Got An Oscar Nomination

By Ryan Kim /

Paul Thomas Anderson isn't a stranger to the Oscars, and although he has yet to win one, he's been recognized by critics and fans alike as one of the best filmmakers of his generation. He's rejuvenated careers such as Burt Reynolds' and jump started others such as Mark Wahlberg's, and has made challenging films that future film students will study for years to come. His lack of Academy Awards hasn't taken away anything from his career so far and he probably won't lose any sleep over that lonely space on his mantle meant for the Oscars he could've won. So what's the big deal? It's more about the principle than anything else; the Academy has become infamous for snubbing well deserving actors, directors, and films from its nominations. Although the criteria for judging what or who should be nominated is rather subjective, this is the Academy we're talking about, the most prestigious award in film. There's a reason why movie trailers will market their actors as either "Oscar Winner" or "Oscar Nominee." So, it's the Academy's responsibility to make sure that each vote counts and that their choices reflect the cream of the crop. Paul Thomas Anderson's The Master was one of the most challenging films of the year and featured fiery performances from its lead actors, and while people may have been polarized by the film, it was beautifully shot and impeccably directed by a master of the craft. The Academy got a few things right in nominating Joaquin Phoenix, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and Amy Adams in their appropriate categories, but it was all too obvious that there was something missing in the Best Picture and Best Director nominations. This is why Paul Thomas Anderson should've gotten an Oscar nomination...