5 Reasons Why Indiana Jones 5 Isn’t Such A Bad Idea

I thought I would tackle a touchy subject- a half-inevitable sequel to Crystal Skull.

By Oscar Harding /

The release of the latest Blu-ray boxset of the adventures of Dr. Jones, champion of many a childhood, regardless of gender or age, is upon us, so I thought I would tackle a touchy subject- a half-inevitable sequel to Crystal Skull. Now, I€™m actually the last to support a fifth outing, but this article serves two purposes- 1. For me as a writer, to try and convince you and myself it might be worth doing, and 2. To try and try and calm seething fan hatred. Really, I don€™t understand the intense negativity towards Crystal Skull. I actually thoroughly enjoyed it, even if it wasn€™t a patch on the original trilogy- it was a worthy and welcome addition to the franchise. And hell, it was no €˜Star Wars prequels€™. It was recently called the most disappointing film of all time, or something to that effect. Way too far. So, read on and see if my argument can persuade you.

1. We Get To See More Indiana Jones, For Crying Out Loud!

Crystal Skull was a fun film- get over yourselves, it was just a big, fun film- sure, it was nowhere near as great as the original trilogy, but films like that, Cowboys and Aliens, The A-Team€ they serve to entertain, they are not high art. I would be up for watching Indiana Jones 5 for a €˜rollercoaster ride€™ (don€™t you hate when film critics say that in reviews) to while away a few hours. I liked Indy escaping a nuclear blast in a fridge because it was ridiculous and implausible- it€™s a movie! And even if it doesn€™t feel as good to you as the first film, it will be better than any other summer entertainment released in the year it comes out. Nobody does it better than old Jonesy. I remember just how excited I was for Crystal Skull, waiting months and months, and grinning ear to ear once I sat down in my local for the first time I watched it. The second we hear John Williams€™ score, and saw the figure being thrown out of the car, and the silhouette dusting off his fedora€ It was good old-fashioned movie magic. I want that again. I wasn€™t bored or disappointed at any point, and on repeat viewings I still haven€™t been. If a fifth film can capture that magic again, then I will be the last to criticise it. For me, it was worth the wait, and I€™ll happily wait for another film if it is as entertaining as Crystal Skull.