5 Reasons Why The SAW Franchise Was A Success

By Alex McCarthy /

Nowadays movie fanatics are running out of good decent films to watch and therefore the SAW franchise should be no exception to this. Whether you've seen none, two or the whole seven; you'll soon read why the evolution of SAW has brought in its own fair share of revenue to the industry and to others. Whilst many over-rate the films and a vast majority under-rate them, here are 5 pretty reasonable explanations as to why the SAW franchise was a complete success; and that it should definitely be watched to your heart's content if you haven't already. But having said that; as the film taglines state, 'The Choice Is Yours!

5. Torture-Porn Movies Are Now Back In Business

Now it's not really a genre every production company are quaking in their boots about saying we "MUST" create a film of this stature, although many foreign European production companies are now taking this genre to their hearts and bleeding us dry of our wallets rather than human bodies. The success 'SAW' has built up over the years have now inspired more deluded writers to take up the helm and see if they can offer anything more gruesome. Take the 'Hostel' and 'The Human Centipede' movies for example; to women it's sick, disgusting and just plain wrong; to men it's a thrill, funny to watch and just pure entertainment. But let€™s not forget that these franchises are now well known all thanks to 'SAW'. However the franchise itself is specifically specified as a Horror, but besides the first two films (just about), it was anything but. Nonetheless, Torture-Porn movies have dated back decades now; so James Wan€™s vivid imagination in simply creating a well-groomed tuxedo puppet in order to scare us all into being better human beings, has brought back the genre into a whole new different level. James, we salute you sir!