5 Sport Movies That Inspire Greatness

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From movies based on real life stories to fictional based movies, movies involving sports have proven to be inspirational, often timeless pieces that will touch your inner athlete time and time again. I have compiled a list of some of the most inspirational movies that got rave reviews from sports critics along with those who have never played a day in their life.

5. Bad News Bears

This is a movie based on the idea of turning something that is essentially broken into a winner. This movie was the first of a trilogy. It has also since been re-made in order stay current and featured Hollywood mega-star, Billy Bob Thornton. The original movie, made in 1976, starred Walter Matthau and Tatum O'Neil and became a classic in its own right. Matthau plays a down on his luck alcoholic who needs some extra money to support his habit. O'Neil, the daughter of his estranged ex-girlfriend, is in need of a fatherly figure. O'Neil is the only girl on the team, and perhaps the ringer. Together they take the team from worst to best. This movie not only convinces viewers that anything is possible, but also inspires girls to do things that others may consider to be for males only.

4. Miracle

A real life story that is sure to inspire all of those who give it a chance. The movie is based on the 1980 United States Olympic Hockey team that defeated the Soviet Union Team. The same Soviet team that was heavily favored to win gold. Released in 2004 this movie chronicles the ups, downs and and everything in-between, including the powerful speeches made by the head coach (played by Kurt Russell). The movie shows that sometimes to reach a goal it is important to be flexible and adaptive to the environment. A change in strategy could lead you to gold, whether it be in athletics or life.

3. Rocky

Well this is a given and quite possibly one of the best movies of all time. The first of a six movie franchise, Sylvester Stallone built a career off this series filled with hard-hitting blows and heart-filled lessons. A rag to riches tale that shows the audience that doing what you love is just as important - or moreseo - than money. An uneducated but kind man gets the chance to chase his dreams: creating a life for him and the woman whom he loves in the process.

2. A League of Their Own

With an all-star cast, it is no surprise that this makes the list. Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, Lori Petty, Madonna and Rosie O'Donnell are just a few of the many celebs making an appearance. The film debut was in 1992, but was set in America during World War II. With all of the men off at war, baseball and its big hitters were suffering. In attempts to fuel the economy while keeping baseball from its current dormant stage, baseball owners decide to scout women, creating the first ever all-female baseball league in the process.

1. The Sandlot

A 90s favorite that begins with Scotty Smalls wanting to fit in by attempting to learn the game of baseball. Rodriquez, a local kid with massive amounts of talent, takes Smalls under his wing and helps him to channel his inner ball player. A movie based on a summer filled with baseball, life lessons, and oft-quotable phrases from a hilarious cast; The Sandlot won't leave you disappointed. All of these movies feature tales of those less privileged (be it financially, athletically, or socially) triumphing over the most difficult of situations. From alcoholism, to war, to poverty; inspiration can come from cheap hockey skates, a used hand me down glove, or a movie that shows you what you can do with the bare essentials and a bit of grit. Sports movies are an uplifting movie genre that shows you just what is possible when you believe.