5 Villains To Avoid Using In Iron Man 4

By K.J. Stewart /

Iron Man is the most popular hero in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, of that there is no doubt. Tony Stark's armoured superhero has so far spawned three titular movies, as well as a cameo at the end of the Incredible Hulk and a starring role in the Avengers movie and, despite the climax of Iron Man 3 which could suggest an end to Stark's hero days, it is widely expected that another Iron Man movie will surface at some point (as well as an inevitable starring appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron). In the event of another Iron Man movie, there are still loads of great villains from his rogues gallery who could be adapted for the big screen - the Living Laser, Fin Fang Foom, Ultimo, even a proper adaptation of the Mandarin - but there are several that should be avoided, for various reasons. On that note, here are five villains to avoid using in future Iron Man movies...

5. Melter

The Melter has actually already made an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (sort of), when he appeared in a spin-off short called Iron Man: The Coming of the Melter, which was a comic that was set before the events of Iron Man 3. The Melter is soundly defeated by Iron Man and War Machine in the comic, and any temptation to bring him back for the big screen should be heartily resisted. He is a terrible villain, with a horrible concept and a ridiculous name, and armoured villains have been done to death already with Iron Monger and Whiplash, so if Marvel insist on using anymore, they'd better make them good. The Melter isn't good. His armour is as tough as Tony Stark's, but its main offensive output is energy rays that melt metal. It doesn't get any more boring or unimaginative than that. The character, whose alias is Bruno Horgan, a business rival of Tony Stark's, first appeared in Tales of Suspense #47 in 1963, so he is a long-standing villain, but he's not right for carrying a whole movie.