5 Vomit-Inducing Amputation Scenes In Movies

By Matt Aspin /

Believe it or not there are people out there that enjoy amputation scenes in movies. To the uninitiated they are more commonly known as strange but like it or not there are entire movies aimed at these kinds of people. You may be familiar with some of the sub genres that exist aimed specifically at fans of this subject and although they may not appeal to everyone they do sell pretty well amongst that very specific demographic. On top of this there are movies out there that simply contain hideous looking amputation scenes solely intended to freak the viewer out and cause severe clinching of the asshole. For the benefit of this feature we'll be looking at those kinds of movies with those kinds of sequences. We'll leave it up to you to decide which category each selection fits into. We must warn you that some of the images you see within this feature may make you vomit. We would advise covering your laptop or keyboard or iPad or whatever it is you're reading this on with plastic. It helps keep the puke off your device. You have been warned. Now click NEXT to continue with the What Culture guide to 5 of the most disgusting amputation scenes you will ever, ever see.