5 Ways The Dark Knight Rises Will Not Meet Your Expectations...

and why that's actually a good thing!

By Stephen Trumble /

...and why that's a good thing! Something strange happened to me the other day when, in a moment of frustration, I had to stop and say to myself "I really need to stop worrying about whether "The Dark Knight Rises" is going to be good, and start worrying about whether the rest of my life is going to be good!" There's just something about Batman. He's No.1, topping every superhero character list going and therefore, we want our Batman films to be the best too, held to the highest standard that quite honestly wasn't what was delivered in the 90's. As such, anticipation for "The Dark Knight Rises" is jacked. Oh, and to make things worse; it's the sequel to another sequel that not only met its high expectations but surpassed them with flying colours. The hype is piling up so tall that it's tipped over completely. Now it seems that most people's number one expectation for The Dark Knight Rises is for it NOT to meet their expectations. With "The Avengers" breaking the box office like an Asgardian rag-doll, the backlash has started before the film is even released. Not that Warner Bros. should be worrying. It's is going to make some serious bank. Like its besieged Wall Street location, it's too big to fail. But quality matters to us Bat-fans, and so here I humbly present 5 ways that "The Dark Knight Rises" will happily defy your expectations...