6 Guilty Pleasure Film Genres

By Rebecca Ryan /

No matter how much you love and respect really great film making, everyone has a film that they know is trash but still adore it. There are just some films that can somehow be both terrible yet charming at the same time and other films that spark little memories for us and mean we end up loving a film regardless of its score on Rotten Tomatoes. Everyone has their preferences but there are certain types of film which tend to fall into this 'guilty pleasure' category. Sometimes you see a trailer and you can tell that it looks rubbish but someone out there will love it! A guilty pleasure however, is something we love but something we really don't like letting others know about. Here are six film genres and types that are commonly people's guilty pleasures.

6. Stoner Movies

Stoner comedies are targeted mostly at an American audience but they've proven to be fairly popular with international audiences. These films tend to attract a 15-18 age range, particularly teenage boys, but some of these films can be pretty funny. A recent example of this would be Pineapple Express which had some really funny scenes and is still one of James Franco's best performances (sounds implausible? Look at his other films). Since then, there have been a couple of movies trying to get some of the success of Pineapple Express but they haven't worked (even the creators tried the same formula twice with Your Highness and look what happened there!) and there has not been many major stoner movies since. So why are they guilty pleasures? A lot of people really don't get what is so funny about stoner movies. When people say they love Harold + Kumar and their friends give them a funny look, many people choose to keep their love for stoner comedies to themselves. These kinds of films can be one-trick ponies sometimes; the same jokes, the same plots, the same dopey characters - a lot of people don't want to watch a tedious comedy with dumb pot humour. Because the jokes are often pretty juvenile and silly, a lot of people just don't like that kind of humour. However, sometimes it's nice to just sit back and watch a dumb comedy; lots of these films are watched with friends at movie nights so maybe this film sub-genre isn't a huge guilty pleasure.