7 Awesome Movie Cameos You Might Have Missed In 2013

By WhatCulture /

Whereas the majority of movie cameos tend to hit you with about as much subtlety as Michael Cera slapping Rihanna on the ass in This Is The End, sometimes they have the tendency to slip by without you noticing at all. Be this intentional on the part of the filmmakers, who are hoping to sneak somebody into the frames of their movies without you noticing, or the fact that said cameo flew past without giving you a moment to comprehend it, there's always the possibility that you're not going to find out about such things until the internet decides to help out. Which is what we hope to do right now, in fact: join us, then, as we take a look back at the year's sneakiest cameos, all of which proved far harder to point out than your regular "Oh God, look - it's Johnny Depp!" styled appearances. How many of these did you catch first time around?

Honourable Mention: Franco Nero - Django Unchained

Okay, so technically Django Unchained came out in the year 2012, but we didn't get the film over here in the UK until January 2013, which makes this little cameo ripe for an honourable mention. For those who don't know, Franco Nero played the original Django in the film of the same name from 1966. The fact that Tarantino transposed elements of Sergio Corbucci's iconic spaghetti western into his own flick means a Nero cameo makes perfect sense, of course - he plays the Italian mandingo owner during the scene where Django first meets Calvin Candie. "What's your name?" Nero asks our eponymous character, dressed in familiar cowboy gear. "Django - the D is silent," replies Django. Nero, getting up to leave, grins slightly: "I know."