Next year, the DC Cinematic Universe will kick into gear with the arrival of two colossal motion picture events: Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice and Suicide Squad. Already, a sense of competition has started to brew between these films, despite the fact that they're both set in the same cinematic universe. For many, Batman going at it with Superman feels like a long-time dream finally realised. Others, however, are finding it impossible to prioritise anything above the arrival of a brand new Joker (Jared Leto). Nobody knows which of the two movies will ultimately turn out best, of course, but going by what we've seen so far - that being trailers, teasers, images and plot outlines - it does appear that one film has something of an advantage over the other; a noticeable edge. That's to say, whilst one movie seems to touch on familiar ground, the other seems to have been made in a far weirder mould - in this day and age of recycled blockbusters, that's something of a welcomed attribute. And whilst one film looks CGI-heavy, the other clings to a bleak realism that seems to separate it from the plethora of today's superhero flicks. It's Suicide Squad, then - a movie comprised of villains and not heroes - that looks to have captivated the fans in a way that Batman V Superman simply hasn't, racking up millions more YouTube trailer views and creating a different kind of buzz in the process. For two movies set to establish the world of a new cinematic universe, they sure do look different. Here, then, are seven reasons why Suicide Squad appears to have the edge on Zack Snyder's long-awaited follow-up to Man Of Steel. Not that Dawn Of Justice doesn't have its own clear strengths; just that Suicide Squad has something of an added intrigue factor...