7 Reasons Why The Amazing Spider-Man is Better Than Prometheus

Here are my thoughts on why Spidey and The Lizard are head and shoulders above Shaw and her Engineer Gods.

By Paul Anthony Jonze /

Comparing a superhero film to a science fiction extravaganza isn€™t necessarily something you might consider doing at first. One is set on Earth and one is set in space. One has space monsters and one has a gawky teenager who discovers he is more than just a skateboarding nerd. The list goes on. However, there are several reasons why I have decided to compare The Amazing Spider-Man to Prometheus. The first being the obvious: they are both big summer blockbusters. The hype enveloping the films has been pumped to the max prior to the release of each of them, and, sadly, both have received somewhat mixed reviews. Secondly, both films already have a hugely established fan base, so huge in fact, that alone should almost guarantee the success of the films. Then we have the fact that they are both IMAX 3D events, are laced with dazzling special effects, feature an ensemble cast of both new and veteran actors, and both are reboots of a franchise previously thought done and dusted (Spider-Man 3 and the AvP films arguably being the nail in the coffin for each respective franchise). However, while Prometheus was the film I had been waiting for since Dallas, Kane and Lambert first discovered the Space Jockey in the chair (and, rather oddly, a character that no subsequent Alien sequel had returned to), The Amazing Spider-Man was the film I wasn€™t particularly interested in seeing in a hurry. The Tobey Maguire trilogy is still quite fresh in my mind, and let€™s face it, we didn€™t really need to see his origin story again. Nonetheless, surprisingly I enjoyed Spider-Man more than Prometheus, and considering Prometheus was hailed by critics has the film event of the year (erm, The Dark Knight Rises, anyone?), it also served, for me at least, the biggest disappointment of the year so far. This article isn't to serve as yet another Prometheus-bashing piece, more so a constructive look at why the film we've waited 30 years for isn't quite as great as the film people hailed as too soon. Here are my thoughts on why Spidey and The Lizard are head and shoulders above Shaw and her Engineer Gods. Click "next" below to start our journey...