8 Famous Movies You Didn't Know Had Abandoned Happy Endings

By T.J. Barnard /

There are two types of movie ending: happy ones, and sad ones. Wait, no. That's a little too glib for my liking. Let me rephrase that... generally speaking, there are two types of movie ending. You get those endings which make you feel like it's great to be alive, and so what if you hug that homeless person on the way out of the theatre? Then there are those endings where everybody walks out and says: "Well, that was depressing, huh?" And then, yeah, there's all the variations inbetween, of which there are far too many to go through now. What I'm trying to say, though, is that - if pushed - you could probably class the ending of any film as either "happy" or "sad," unless your movie is a documentary or something, in which, uh, okay, you win. What we know, though, is that movie endings fall into the category of "things Hollywood like to screw up on a regular basis." How can we ever be sure that filmmakers used the right ending, though? Did you know they probably had a choice? Because Hollywood like to cover their backs, in the sense that they'll often film two endings, throw both of them at a test audience, and decide how a movie is cut into its final version based on the opinions of, like, nine people. In the cases of the 8 movies I've gathered here, the "sad" endings were the ones that made it in. You might not have guessed, though, that "happy" versions were also shot, too, and ultimately abandoned, never to see the light of day. Well, I made that "light of day" part up. Here they all are, in fact. Take a look.