8 More Myths About Classic Movies You'll Be Shocked To Hear Are False

By Alex Leadbeater /

If you€™re surfing the Internet, odds are you love a good trivia list. I've yet to meet someone who won€™t devour as much interesting, but ultimately useless information as possible, just for that surprisingly deep feeling of knowledge. The only thing more exciting than a fact, is the fact that the previous fact is false. A few weeks ago, I wrote an article with just such factoids, but in the research for it I found a lot more than the original eight I published. Some of these facts are truly riveting, so for your reading pleasure here€™s eight more myths we've delightfully bust open for you. If anything, some of these myths are more common than those in the first list, so you can delight in proving your seemingly film savvy friends wrong. Warning: There are a couple of references to the ending and overall mythos of Blade Runner, but other than that this is a spoiler free article on classic films you should definitely check out if you've somehow missed them.

8. Peter Pan

The Myth: Marilyn Monroe was the model for Tinker Bell. Disney has a history of modelling it€™s characters on the real world. Not only was Snow White€™s groundbreaking animation a rudimental form of motion capture, a lot of the Mouse Houses€™s most popular characters were based off people famous at the time. Obviously, the vultures in The Jungle Book are cashing in on The Beatles, but so many characters bear startling resemblances to famous faces; once you realise it, it€™s impossible to look at Aladdin and not see Tom Cruise. One of the most high profile influences of all was super star Marilyn Monroe, who provided the visual design for Tinkerbell in Peter Pan. The Shocking Truth: She was based off model Margaret Kerry. Peter Pan had been in development for decades, with the translation of the usual bright light fairy proving a particular difficultly. In the end Margaret Kerry worked with the animators for six months to get the now iconic, innocent look everyone knows. Monroe had just hit big by the time Peter Pan came around and she and Tinker Bell do share some characteristics (blonde hair, thin waist, cute/sexy smile). With other such high profile Disney-ifications of celebrity actors, it makes sense for this one to stick. But it€™s a myth started from the observation of those base characteristics and not from any factual basis.