8 More Worst Horror Movie Decisions With Unbelievable Consequences

Well, that escalated quickly...

By Jacob Simmons /

Bad decisions are a staple of horror movies.


Trish and Darry going into the pipe in Jeepers Creepers. Getting rid of the map in The Blair Witch Project. Without these stupid missteps, none of our favourite fright fests would have ever existed. God bless them.

A lot of these decisions are often used for dramatic irony, as the audience knows more about a situation than a character does. They're designed to have people watching through their fingers as they await the inevitable outcome of their favourite character's poor choices.

Equally, choosing one path sometimes has far bigger ramifications than an audience might expect. Seemingly small acts can snowball into much larger and more dangerous scenarios, eventually resulting in tragedy.

In celebration of the classic "wish I hadn't done that" moment, we've rounded ten of the most shocking outcomes of horror movie decisions both big and small.

As previously mentioned, a lot of these decisions are integral to the plot of the movie. However, some really didn't need to happen at all and, without them, there would have been significantly less heartbreak, pain, and grizzly bloodshed.

8. Not Burning Chucky - Child's Play

Chucky, the murderous doll from the Child's Play franchise, has killed countless people and ruined the lives of countless more. All of that mayhem could have been stopped if Karen Barclay had thrown Chucky on the fire in the very first movie.


When Karen discovers the Good Guy toy she had bought for her son Andy is sentient, she lights her fireplace and threatens to burn the doll. However, she hesitates in actually confining him to the flames.

This gives the possessed plaything a chance to attack his captor and escape. He then runs rampant throughout the rest of the film and the franchise as a whole.

Now, it's understandable why Karen was hesitant in roasting Chucky over an open fire. Realising that you've accidentally given a haunted doll to your son would be enough to knock most people back, but surely she should have known that she would never get a chance like this again.

Had Chucky ended up barbecued, then all of his future evils would never have happened. Imagine how much better the world would be if Child's Play 3 had been made...
