8 People Who Must Be Fired From The Marvel Cinematic Universe

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye...

By Sam Hill /

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a vast and well-oiled machine assembled from the combined talents of hundreds (or maybe thousands) of individual people, whose creative efforts result in entertaining and often brilliant blockbusters. And whilst there are lots and lots of people responsible for the success of the MCU, there are certain individuals who have contributed lots - John Favreau, Robert Downey Jr., Kevin Feige, Avi Arid... Whilst it's these guys who have kept the MCU in check across the years, ensuring that it lives up to its full potential and conforms to a certain set of aesthetic guidelines (creatively and commercially), there are other people whose involvement hasn't proven itself to be quite so constructive. That's to say, there are a number of writers, directors, actors and crew whose contributions haven't gelled particularly well with that of the MCU canon. What follows, then, is a list of 8 people who should be banned from working in the MCU at all costs. Not necessarily because they're terrible people or anything, but because they're either a wrong fit, did a mediocre job, or are noticeably holding back the series. Those mentioned might have thrived elsewhere, but as far as the MCU is concerned, it would probably be a whole lot better off without their involvement...