8 Powers You Didn't Know Michael Myers Had

Wolverine hasn't got s**t on this guy.

By Ian Watson /

We horror nerds have long suspected that there was more to Michael Myers than met the eye, so imagine our surprise when John Chambers, the make-up man on Halloween II (1981), was revealed to have been a CIA contact. For helping free Americans held during the Iran Hostage Crisis, Chambers received the Agency€™s Intelligence Medal Of Merit €“ as you€™ll know if you€™ve seen Argo (2012). In the movie, Chambers helps create a fake sci-fi movie looking to shoot in Iran during the crisis, and it€™s implied that this is by no means his first assignment. Which begs the question: what else did he do for the Agency? Perhaps Chambers introduced his CIA handlers to Myers, who even at age 6 had shown a remarkable capacity for violence. He€™d grow up to be a stealthy, indestructible assassin, but he didn€™t get that way by accident. He had training. This helps fill in the gaps in our understanding of Myers, such as how a mute 21-year-old, kept in solitary confinement for 15 years, could drive a car. It also explains his remarkable ability to survive acts of shocking violence that would destroy an ordinary human being. Make no mistake, Myers is not like you and me: he is the ultimate super soldier, imbued with great powers by his CIA trainers, who use him to wreak havoc each Halloween. For a list of those powers, read on.