8 Scenes We Definitely Won't See in Deadpool 2

Some stories may be too ridiculous even for Deadpool.

By James Egan /

For years, it seemed like a Deadpool adaptation would never get made. When it finally came, it blew its competition out of the water and made $783 million, making it the most successful R-rated film of all time.


After witnessing Wade Wilson's disastrous debut in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, comic fans rejoiced to see the Merc with a Mouth on the big screen depicted just like his comic book counterpart. Audience members not familiar with the comics loved Deadpool as well since they'd never seen a superhero like this before: sarcastic, hilarious, absurdly violent, and fully aware he was in a movie.

Here's the problem: Deadpool blindsided critics because he was unprecedented, and came with a built-in shock factor. So what do you do with a sequel? You can't just do more of the same - Wade's novelty will have already worn off. Luckily, Deadpool has had hundreds of crazy adventures over the last few decades.

However, there are some Deadpool stories from the pages of his comics that are too extreme. Too insane. Too...well... too silly. Don't worry, though, we will definitely see Cable butting heads with the Regenerating Degenerate and we will finally witness Domino kicking ass. It's just that there's a few scenes from his past that are too crazy even for Deadpool.

8. A Mind-Controlling Beret Turns Deadpool Into A Mime

In 2010’s Deadpool #1000, the Avengers were killed shortly after Deadpool was brought onto the team. It’s unclear how the Avengers died but it was probably due to Deadpool’s incompetence.


One day, mind controlling berets fall from the sky and land on Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man, resurrecting them as zombie mimes.

Although Wade's team, the Deadpool Corps, defeat his fallen comrades, a beret lands on Deadpool, turning him into Mimepool. Left with no choice, the Deadpool Corps strap Mimepool to a rocket and firing it into the sky.

...Is there really any need to, explain why this won’t be in the movie?
