8 Speculated Plot Points We'll See In Batman VS Superman

By A. P. Lindsay /

The biggest news to rock the San Diego Comic-Con this year was the dramatic announcement that the Dark Knight himself will appear in the Man of Steel sequel, which is tentatively titled Batman VS Superman. Fans are already frothing at the mouth for more details from the reticent producers, but if we take a step back and look at the puzzle pieces we already have, then we can make a pretty good guess at what the film will feature. Peter Suderman, a movie critic for the Washington Times, posted an article arguing that too many summer blockbusters use Blake Snyder's Save the Cat! beat sheet as a kind of fill-in-the-blank story formula. He makes a compelling argument, citing several different movies that he subsequently breaks down in part, proving his point. If this be the case, then between the foundation of Man of Steel, the Dark Knight Trilogy, and this story formula, we can already roughly sketch what would/should/could happen in this movie.