8 Ways Captain America: Civil War Could Ruin The Marvel Cinematic Universe

War? What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! Say it again!

By Sam Hill /

Captain America: Civil War looks to be shaping up as the most interesting Marvel Cinematic Universe entry to date. Its main drawing point, of course, stems from the fact that it won't be a generic superhero yarn that pits its protagonist against a villain and blah blah blah. No, Civil War will see superheroes going up against other superheroes on a scale unlike we've ever seen before - not to mention that the two duelling factors will be led by Captain America and Iron Man respectively, Avengers engulfed in a bitter feud over a new government registration act that intends to regulate and control superhero activity. As a result, people are obviously psyched for Civil War because it's completely different to any other MCU ventures. But aside from the obvious awesomeness that comes with what will essentially be a superhero vs. superhero film, there's a clear risk involved with making something like Civil War; especially when it's set to be part of an extensive canon that has so far succeeded in essentially repeating the beats of an established formula. That's not to say that Marvel are silly to shake things up; ultimately, it might be the only way to ensure that audiences don't get bored. That said, Civil War - which is to be loosely based on an incredibly dense and complicated story arc from the comics - is something you can't take back, and - as a result - it will change things. Forever. And when you consider the implications of that, there's a measurable chance that it could actually ruin the MCU... How, you ask? Well...
