80s Movies That Made Me Love (And Want To Visit) America

By Brad Lee /


Contrary to what many of you seem to think, I have quite the fondness for the great nation that is the United States of America. Although my opinions may differ from yours when it comes to politics or your ow n interpretations of my previous articles might suggest, on every other level I have nothing but respect for the Red, White and Blue, Ol' Glory, America.

I mean, come on. I grew up in the '80s for God's sake! "Born in the USA" was totally misinterpreted by the masses and even though that song epitomises everything that is wrong with popular opinion (that's just a humorous dig at my generation people, nothing personal), it became the national anthem for impressionable young minds stuck in the geographical isolation that resembles the Outback of Australia.


America was the place to be, folks. America had everything we desired when it came to entertainment. You name it, and America had it (even an evil corporate monster whom at the time we affectionately known as Disney). My God ,we would have sold our souls to visit their mystical "lands." It didn't help matters that we were served a monthly platter of VHS and Betamax flashbacks on top of the MTV inspired images which we sucked up like a dry sponge.

And why you can see the argument that I present to people when it comes to my opinions on your beloved country, I like to think I have nothing but your nations best interests at heart. So with that in mind I present to you these examples of films that not only began my love affair for your nation, but could possibly be a great tourism commercial to boot. You see, already helping out your economy.


Note: Although my intention is to focus on films that I have yet to mention in my previous articles as that is just repeating what is already obvious in my opinion, the first film on my list requires a little further analysis and thus is the first I will showcase...
