9 Creators Who Regretted Killing Off Movie Characters

These filmmakers regretted killing off their characters.

By Jack Pooley /

Killing off any name movie character isn't something that filmmakers should ever do lightly - get it right and you've got the audience in the palm of your hand for the rest of the film, but screw it up and you might lose them immediately.


While not all of these movie deaths were negatively received by audiences, each nevertheless caused a writer, director, or producer to later express regret over them, whether the act of death itself or the means through which it came about.

From characters who were prematurely killed off for practical reasons to those they later wished could be resurrected, to shockingly graphic scenes that turned the stomachs of viewers worldwide, these deaths left those responsible wondering quite what they were thinking.

Some of these deaths totally work, while others remain hugely divisive among fans, but in each case the creative figure-heads wish they could turn back time and ensure these characters survived - or in the very least, didn't die in quite such controversial fashion.

But as ever, time marches on, so they'll just have to live with their "mistakes"...

9. Jonathan Kasdan Called Val's Death A "Cheat" - Solo: A Star Wars Story

By far the most divisive death in Solo: A Star Wars Story is that of Tobias Beckett's (Woody Harrelson) wife Val (Thandiwe Newton), a member of Beckett's crew who sacrifices herself during the coaxium train heist, detonating an explosive which allows the rest of the gang to escape at the cost of her own life.


Many fans were disappointed that such a promising character - and one played by such a talented actress - was wiped off the chessboard so quickly, and Newton herself recently expressed her own frustrations:

"I felt disappointed by Star Wars that my character was killed. And, actually, in the script, she wasn't killed. It happened during filming. And it was much more just to do with the time we had to do the scenes. It's much easier just to have me die than it is to have me fall into a vacuum of space so I can come back sometime."

But shortly after the film's release, co-writer Jonathan Kasdan - son of legendary Star Wars writer Lawrence Kasdan, who co-wrote Solo with his son - admitted that killing Val ultimately wasn't one of his better creative calls:

"In retrospect, Thandie Newton may actually have been too good and too interesting as Val... Thandie is so compelling to watch that the death of her character feels a little like a cheat."