9 Famous Actors With Incredibly Embarrassing Film Debuts

Breakthrough roles to make you break down.

By Jacob Trowbridge /

Trimark Pictures

Everybody has to start somewhere in the movie industry. Whether it's running to fetch coffees for the cast of an instantly forgettable rom-com or taking a bit role that is guaranteed to embarrass your parents when they insist on watching "your big break," most burgeoning actors have to endure a little humiliation before they make it big.


Still, it's hard to suggest that any of the actors mentioned in this list would go back and change anything about their debut, especially considering that they've all made millions of dollars and became household names.

But...maybe they'd do a better job of destroying all the copies of the film after they became famous.


9. Patrick Swayze - Skatetown, U.S.A.

Columbia Pictures

The Movie: A skating-related rivalry comes to a head in a showdown at a Los Angeles roller rink, where the two hunky skaters battle it out in...a game of chicken that uses mechanized roller skates? Sure. That's a thing.

Basically, in order to capitalize on the roller disco trend, Skatedown slapped a bunch of then-famous TV personalities (including Scott Baio and Flip Wilson) in some skates and attempted to make another Xanadu, complete with extended musical performances and absurd sight gags.


The Role: Patrick Swayze plays Ace, the bad boy roller skater. In a performance that would set the tone for what Swayze's career was to become, his key scene involves him dancing in a very sexually aggressive manner while wearing a leather vest with no shirt underneath.

Swayze, believe it or not, didn't have to prepare for the role whatsoever, because he'd skated competitively when he was a teenager.
