9 Horror Movies That Reward You For Paying Attention

Saw, The Conjuring, Final Destination, Scream and those other movies where attention is rewarded.

By Andrew Pollard /

The world of horror is a fascinating one. Few facets of the movie industry have quite the consistent appeal as the horror genre, with this corner of cinema offering something up for everybody.


Granted, the various sub-genres of horror may have had their respective hot and cold moments as tastes change, but the overall genre as a whole has never once dwindled in popularity since it first came to the fore in the 1930s. Simply put, people like to be scared. Whether that's all-out teeth-grinding, fist-clenching, pants-wetting terror, or more like a mildly disturbing hug, film fans have a penchant for being just a smidge freaked out from time to time.

When it comes to the passionate fanbase that horror continues to amass, the genre really does have some of the most knowledgeable, intelligent and dedicated fans in the industry. And for those fans, so often they're happy to study and memorise every frame of every movie, all in the hope of getting some sort of pay-off.

Taking that into account, then, here are the times when horror films gave a MASSIVE reward to those fans who truly paid attention.

9. Tori Spelling Really DID Play Sidney In The Movie Of 'Scream'

While Wes Craven's Scream is a movie that's fondly remembered for its terrifying scares, its shocking kills, and the jaw-dropping reveal of the picture's two killers, there are also several tender moments dotted throughout the film.


One particularly softer moment comes when Sidney Prescott stays the night at the Riley resident, with her best pal Tatum keen to keep an eye on Sid. As Tatum gets giddily excited at the idea that the horrors of Woodsboro could make for a great movie, a sincere and caring Dewey offers up a young Meg Ryan as being the perfect choice to play Sidney in just such a film.

In response, Neve Campbell's character thanks Dewey but adds that, with her luck, they'd cast Tori Spelling in that role.

This was all a brief exchange in the grand scheme of that 1996 picture, yet those who remembered that shared moment in time were rewarded when Scream 2 rolled around. There, with the events of Scream brought to life in 'Stab', it is indeed Tori Spelling who is playing Sidney.

Spelling would also have a significant part to play in Scary Movie 2 - with Scary Movie having at one point been the intended title for Scream.
