9 Huge Things You Missed In Recent Movie Trailers

What The Riddler's cypher means in The Batman trailer.

By Jack Pooley /

Trailers are perhaps the most essential and important part of the Hollywood marketing machine, expertly crafted as they are to go viral and get butts in seats on that ever-important opening weekend.


And sometimes filmmakers decide to hide sneaky hints, references, and Easter eggs in their trailers as a little reward for those who choose to tirelessly pore over every single shot in an attempt to absorb everything they can about an upcoming movie.

These recent trailers for some of the most anticipated movies of the next year contain secrets that were missed by the overwhelming majority of viewers, from unexpected character reveals to hidden messages, obscure narrative implications, and perhaps a cameo or two you didn't expect to see.

These reveals just might change how you look at these movie going forward, or in the very least provide an interesting hint at how things may end up shaking out.

Trailers aren't ever to be fully trusted of course, but considering how slyly these fleeting moments were embedded in each trailer, it's safe to say they're probably playing things straight...

9. Who Nathan Fillion Is REALLY Playing - The Suicide Squad

Though we're still awaiting the first fully-fledged trailer for James Gunn's The Suicide Squad, Warner Bros. dropped a first-look sizzle reel for the R-rated superhero movie at their DC FanDome event last summer, giving audiences their first proper glimpse at the movie's world and characters.


There are still many, many question marks surrounding the film, in particular the identity of Nathan Fillion's superhero, who has been given the suspiciously abbreviated moniker "T.D.K."

Though this name seemed to shoot down rampant fan speculation that Fillion would be playing hilarious DC hero Arm-Fall-Off-Boy - whose powers allow him to detach his arms and use them as blunt weapons - that actually may not be the case.

For a few frames early in the trailer, we're shown a wall from the film's production department where two pictures of severed limbs can be shown flying through the air.

Given that the clothing covering part of the arm seems to match the turquoise-coloured costume T.D.K. is wearing, it seems that Fillion may in fact be playing a re-imagined version of Arm-Fall-Off-Boy after all.

The Internet seems convinced his new name might well be "The Detachable Kid," which honestly sounds like the most James Gunn thing ever. Bank on it.
