9 Things You Didn't Know About R2-D2

This is totally the droid you're looking for.

By Phil Archbold /

R2-D2 has always been something of an unsung hero in the Star Wars saga. This resourceful and endlessly loyal droid has saved his masters and their companions from perilous danger on numerous occasions throughout the course of the films, more often than not at the very last moment; rebooting the shields on Padme's escape craft, smuggling Luke's lightsaber onto Jabba's ship, stopping a trash compactor before it crushed our heroes to death - this battle-hardened astromech has always had a knack for saving the day, with Luke, Leia and Han all owing their continued existence in the saga to R2's ingenuity. Although he was out of the action for most of The Force Awakens, it's clear from Episode VII's ending that Artoo's involvement in the tale is far from over, and he will no doubt continue to bail out a new generation of Jedi. But, aside from his timely rescues, his tempestuous relationship with fellow droid C-3PO and his loyalty to Luke, what else do we know about this little R2 unit? Despite a relatively simple appearance and the lack of any physical features that remotely resemble human, R2-D2 is a curiously endearing character, though this loveable little rust bucket almost turned out very different indeed. From forgotten powers and cancelled lead roles to the films that inspired his character and his original name, here are nine things that you probably never knew about R2-D2...