9 Upcoming Movies That Are Unofficial Remakes

What if...Superman was a dick?

By Jack Pooley /

Warner Bros. & Sony Pictures Releasing

Originality is dead in Hollywood, or so cynical Internet commentators claim, and given that 2019 will see Disney dining out on sequels and remakes to the tune of $10+ billion dollars, it's certainly a compelling argument.


Remakes are an especially attractive commodity for studios because they allow them to effectively rehash a recognisable brand with a successful commercial track record. It's a low-risk, potentially high-yield bet.

Yet not all remakes are created equal, and sometimes filmmakers and studios alike decide to get a little cheeky, by loosely replicating the tone, style and plot of a hit movie without labelling their new movie as a card-carrying remake.


These nine movies are all more-or-less "spiritual remakes", adapting similar aesthetics, moods and narratives to predominantly successful films, yet proving just different enough that they aren't saddled with the baggage of remaking an established IP.

Hopefully these movies can resolve to be effective homages that bring plenty of their own ideas to the table, but so far, the evidence suggests that their "inspiration" is going to be rather generous indeed...
