"A masterpiece of American Horror"

By Matt Holmes /

and went absolutely crazy for it...

This isn't a debatable film experience. There is no question about what happened tonight. This wasn't a nostalgic affair. There's no shrugged shoulders or indifferent souls that exited that theater tonight. What we all experienced was a resounding thunderous splitting of the Earth around us experience tonight. There was no spattering of applause, no isolated screams... this wasn't just me acting like a ninny, but 1200 hundred people screaming, shrieking and being shown for the namby pamby bitches that we were in the face of DRAG ME TO HELL! What we saw tonight was a masterpiece of American Horror to the Planet Earth!
As did the audience...
People throughout the PARAMOUNT were exclaiming phrases like, "I've never screamed in terror at a movie in my life until tonight!" And these exclamations were legion. As the final moment of the film concluded - It was a sonic assault of cheers, screams, hoots & hollars and there was this swoop of wind as people leapt from their seats to signal approval of the highest degree. THIS WAS SAM RAIMI and we were all his bitches tonight!
From Harry's review (which has even more outlandish phrases from the big guy but is an entertaining read), the movie better be THE EVIL DEAD for the 21st century or it won't possibly live up to his hyperbole.
