Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Hype - History Meets Vampires Meets Superhero

Only time will tell if audiences will be attracted to one of the most bonkers high-budget tentpoles in history.

By Chelsey Burdon /


The trailer introduces the visual style of the film, and I must say it is pretty impressive. It's a while since we have had a period horror that was worth its weight in celluloid and I for one like to see Vampires in a gothic historical setting. The last film to deliver that, though very different in tone was probably "Interview With a Vampire". Tim Burton has described the film as mirroring the classic superhero story, likening the iconic president to Batman; his hat being his mask and his axe the utility belt. Mmmm- plausible I suppose. Vampires and Superheros; perhaps two of the most 'sellable' things in the movie industry right now and the team behind the trailer certainly know this, emphasising the action set pieces and impressive stunt work, most of which given that extra stylistic flair in slow motion. But of course every great superhero needs a great villain. Of the three trailers available it is the third one that gives us the best glimpse of Rufus Sewell as Lincolns vampiric arch rival along with his ravishing accomplice Erin Wasson. This version of the trailer also weighs in on the political life of ol' Abe, showing his speeches and rallies at the Whitehouse.Read on for part 2...