After Skyfall: 10 Future Predictions For The James Bond Franchise

By Andy Scott /

Last year, Bond fans the world over tenderly polished the crystal on their Omega watches in a vain attempt to hide the relief exhaled on their breath. MGM may have managed to secure funding for the much-beleaguered €˜Bond 23,€™ but the devout amongst them were more surprised by the fragility of the franchise than they were by the ambivalence Bond showed to his Martini being €˜shaken or stirred€™ in Casino Royale - a near-sacrilegious affront in itself. Yet Bond is back and with more product placement, unadulterated beauty, and beloved pastiche than ever. The hype remains untouched and, considering this year€™s warm global embrace of all things British, few minds are dwelling on the bleak financial past or, for that matter, Bond€™s life after Skyfall. With this in mind, it may seem a little overconfident to predict anything but economic rumours and Pinewood drama for the franchise but, for the giddy joy of it, let€™s assume that any ostensible €˜hanging by a thread€™ fate is all a cunning marketing scheme put in place to rekindle cinema-goers€™ devotion to the man they want to be or to be with. So, if you€™re comfortable in your downy bed of delightful denial then let€™s set off on our indulgent endeavour ... what€™s life without a little indulgence, after all? Click within to reveal our ten predictions for the James Bond franchise after Skyfall...