Al Pacino: 5 Awesome Performances And 5 That Sucked

By Hugh Firth /

Al Pacino is one of the few actors in the world today who can legitimately lay claim to being amongst the best. The list of films is ferocious taking in true classics such as the first two Godfather films, Serpico, Dog Day Afternoon, Scarface and Glengarry Glen Ross. Even those slightly lower down the list are still better than most firing on all cylinders with great films such as Insomnia, Donnie Brasco and Carlito's Way. He is a true modern great. Recently, though, similar to his old sparring partner Robert De Niro, he has made some awful films too. Why this is is hard to work out but he consciously decided to appear in Jack and Jill, Gigli and S1m0ne. Oh, and that Sky TV advert. My God. That Sky TV advert. Through it all though, he has a true legacy of great films and even though the subtleties in his performances might have been overtaken by 'speak quiet till the end of the line and then shout the last WORD' acting, there is no denying the brilliance in most of his work. To be fair to him, whittling down five great films was significantly harder than finding five ones that sucked because, to be honest, although his recent work isn't great, there aren't too many monumental misfires. So, without further ado, and to celebrate restored re-release in UK cinemas of The Godfather Part II, here are five awesome performances and five that sucked. As with this column every Friday, there are major spoilers below...