Ant-Man And The Wasp's TWO Post-Credits Scenes Explained

Does it connect to Infinity War?

By James Hunt /

Marvel Studios

Avengers: Infinity War posed a lot of questions, but before, during, and after there was one repeatedly being asked: 'Where's Ant-Man?'


The character was conspicuous by his absence in the universe-halving team-up event, especially after being such a scene-stealing part of Captain America: Civil War, with it being waved away as Scott Lang being under house arrest.

Now a couple of months on, and with the literal dust having settled on that movie, it's time to pick things up with Ant-Man and his new partner in fighting crime, the Wasp, to see just what they've been doing and, perhaps, how it connects to Infinity War.


The early reviews have praised it as another fun, funny, but slight outing in the MCU (much like the first Ant-Man three years ago), and now most cinemagoers have the chance to find out themselves - except the U.K., where it won't be released until early August because of football coming home.

With that also comes the post-credits scenes, of which there are two in Ant-Man and the Wasp, sticking with the typical formula of one funny and one being more serious. But what do they mean for Ant-Man and the Wasp and the future of the MCU?


It goes without saying, but MAJOR SPOILERS from this point onwards.