Ant Man & The Wasp Reviews: 10 Early Reactions You Need To See

Some welcome fun after Infinity War.

By Jack Pooley /

Marvel Studios

The embargo just lifted for Marvel Studios' Ant-Man and the Wasp, due out in the U.S. on July 6th, while large swathes of World Cup-afflicted Europe will have to wait a few extra weeks. To the surprise of few, the early consensus is that it continues the Marvel Cinematic Universe's winning streak of quality, entertaining superhero flicks.


Currently flying high on the Tomatometer with just a few negative reviews in sight, the comic book movie sequel has been broadly praised as a welcome dose of light fun that, while flawed, is a nifty change of pace in-between Avengers movies.

There are definitely issues - and if you've been following the movie's marketing, they probably won't be that surprising - but if you're craving the MCU at its most care-free, comedy-centric and just plain daft, this sounds like a real cracker of a summer blockbuster.


Scouring those early reviews, these are the 10 most prominent takeaways to bear in mind as the movie's release approaches...