Aquaman Concept Art Suggests It's Not As Dark As Snyder's Movies

And James Wan said "let there be light"...

By Simon Gallagher /

Warner Bros.

Though it hasn't actually started filming yet, Warner Bros used their slot at CinemaCon in Las Vegas to start to build hype for James Wan's 2018 Aquaman stand alone. It's a solid time to start doing so, given how well the character has come out from the first trailer, and how anticipated his own movie has become immediately.


Obviously, with Jason Momoa only flying out to Australia right now to start filming, there was no footage to show off but Collider report that Momoa introduced a video showing the director talking through some animated production artwork to lay out his plans for DC's wettest hero.

The good news is that Collider's description of that material suggests the right tone:

"Unlike Batman v Superman, which many complained was too dark, a lot of the artwork was bright and sunny and featured new creatures and locations that have never been seen before in a DC movie."

So less darkness then, which absolutely can't be a bad thing. Not only does it mean we might get to actually see some of the detail in action shots (which has been a major bug-bearer in Snyder's movies), but also that the deep sea setting won't be naturally pitch black (as it could have been). If it looks like a background from Finding Nemo, I don't care - just as long as we can enjoy the technology as it deserves to be.

Wan also revealed in the video that Aquaman couldn't even have been made five years ago, because technology just wasn't up to speed. He's obviously never seen the underwater scenes in The Phantom Menace...


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