Assassin's Creed Trailer: Who Says Video Game Movies Have To Suck?

"We work in the dark..."

By Simon Gallagher /

20th Century Fox

It goes without saying that there will always be an element of film audiences who immediately turn their nose up at the idea of a video game adaptations. Despite the rich potential in the industry's most popular stories for adaptation, the sum result of decades of gaming on the big screen has been a handful of not terrible goes, a Super Mario Bros that still feels like a cry for help and a Resident Evil franchise that doesn't seem to know (or care)that it's terrible.


But maybe 2016 will be the year it all changes?

Obviously Angry Birds is coming up on the horizon, and will no doubt prove to be a critically acclaimed think piece rich in story and character development. Then Duncan Jones' Warcraft lands in a matter of weeks as the first real hint that great directors can be drawn to the sub-genre that critics love to hate.


Even more excitingly, December sees the arrival of Michael Fassbender's Assassin's Creed adaptation, which has finally seen a first trailer released. In short, it's great: in a slightly longer appraisal, it looks like it uses the brand of the game to tell a compelling story with some eye-boggling action sequences - in other words, exactly what you'd want from an Assassin's Creed movie. Here's the trailer...

How good does that look? The effects are on point, Fassbender is trading heavily on that ineffable cool he oozes and the action sequences look like some of the best in a long time. Who doesn't want to see him dive hundreds of feet from a tower into a tiny pile of hay?


Are you excited to see Assassin's Creed? Share your reactions below in the comments thread.