Avengers 4 Theory: How Memory, B.A.R.F. And The Quantum Realm Explain Time Travel

How about a little Quantum Theory?

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

As we creep ever closer to April 2019 when all of the answers will be revealed, there are some pretty major questions hanging over Avengers 4. It's inevitable, really, given how explosive the Infinity War finale was and what we know about some of the "dead" characters having more movies to come out yet.


The biggest question of all is how the survivors are going to undo what Thanos did (or some of it, at least) with some fairly major hints that the sequel's plot will hinge on some form of time travel or interdimensional travel or possibly both. But that doesn't really answer anything precisely, because there's still the question of how.

Theories so far have mentioned the Time Stone, the Quantum Realm, Captain Marvel's powers and Tony Stark's B.A.R.F. technology, and finally, there may be reason to believe that at least a couple of those will combine to allow some of the heroes to go back in time.


What if Stark's B.A.R.F. technology, Hank Pym's Pym Particle technology AND Quantum Energy combine to hold the answer...?

5. The Time Travel Hints

Marvel Studios

Obviously, there is no actual concrete confirmation that Avengers 4 will include time travel. Marvel simply wouldn't reveal that on purpose. But there have been some hints from the set that suggest that we will see it happen and that we'll visit past time periods in the MCU during Avengers 4.


Set photos have revealed Captain America in his outfit from the first Avengers movie - on a set that seemed to be the Battle Of New York - and some of the heroes filming there were wearing what appeared to be devices on their hands, implying time travel technology was being used.

We're going to have to assume that the Avengers cannot use the Time Stone, because it simply is not in their possession. So, how do they do it? But first, more importantly, at this stage, we need to set up exactly why the past - and even more specifically - memories are absolutely key to understanding how Avengers 4 is going to be resolved.
