Avengers 4 Trailer: When Will The First Footage Debut?

This is no time for waiting...

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

Though Avengers: Infinity War will have taken a lot out of you as an audience member, there's no denying that it quickly made Avengers 4 the most anticipated movie of 2019. The fact that we have to wait that long to see how the story plays out is almost too much to take, but at least it's only a year.


And the good thing about that release date is that we shouldn't have to wait TOO long to see the first trailer or footage for the film. But when is that likely to happen?

Well, the footage for Infinity War might hold some answers. The first footage - which weirdly spoiled Spider-Man's fate by including him saying sorry to Tony Stark - debuted at D-23, but there isn't an American one this year (the next is in 2019) and the Japanese D23 has already been and gone in February.


But, that same footage from D-23 was then shown at Comic Con a matter of days later, which suggests that those lucky enough to be in attendance at the yearly geekfest could look forward to some exclusive footage. While that will inevitably leak in some way, it's unlikely to see the first full trailer release.

Infinity War's first trailer didn't arrive until November 2017, and given that Avengers 4 comes out almost at exactly the same time of year as its predecessor, there's a distinct chance that we'll see the trailer land then. It's not like Marvel will need to show off too much to get audiences buying advanced tickets and their agenda seems to be keeping as much quiet as possible.


So, while it may not be for a while, it seems likely that we'll get a trailer this year.

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