Avengers: Age Of Ultron Trailer - 40 New Images You Need To See

From secret characters to villain reveals - we've got everything right here.

By Scott Tailford /

It's finally here, even a week early 'thanks' to a leak of the trailer that forced Marvel to drop the official - and fancy HD - version for all of us to drink up. The very idea of doing 'another' Avengers movie after just how immaculate and well-received the first one was, is a tall-order the likes of which we're currently seeing with Zack Snyder's take on melding Batman and Superman. But the project is in the best of hands here, as director Joss Whedon was the guy who ushered in the direction Marvel has been heading in - their lighter tone and mainstream audience-pleasing spectacles making every subsequent film into a gigantic public event. So let's confess; we didn't think he'd actually be able to top The Avengers - and even though all we've got so far is a teaser trailer, it's safe to say judging by how relentlessly action-packed what we've seen is, Whedon is taking any and all criticism of the first flick's slightly lacklustre middle third, and fixing that from the get-go. This is all anyone's going to be talking about as we head into Xmas and the New Year, so let's get stuck into one of the most pleasing first-teases we've ever seen for what's easily going to be the most successful Marvel movie yet.

40. Starting Where We Left Off...

Looks very much like we're going to be picking up where the first one ended - with New York in a state of total chaos, but what's got the citizens so spooked this time?

39. The First Look At Ultron's Creation

As a very dark voiceover narration begins, we start to get an idea of where Ultron came from - an origin allusion of sorts (presumably using an upgrade scene to imply creation.)

38. Cap Wanders Through The Debris

It looks like it's a return to the more armoured costume, rather than the old-school museum piece he occasionally slips into.