Avengers: Endgame - Hulk Vs Thanos ROUND TWO Teased?!

Seconds out, round two, FIGHT!

By Simon Gallagher /

Hulk Thanos Fight Infinity War
Marvel Studios

One of the most terrifying moments of Avengers: Infinity War came early on when Loki tried to distract Thanos in order to allow Hulk to attack and over-power him, only for the Mad Titan to gleefully beat Hulk down without even using the Infinity Stones. This, along with him killing Loki and Heimdall, was the villain announcing his true threat.


It was also a key to furthering Bruce Banner's story arc that saw him and the Hulk fighting over control of their body. It was the final straw in Banner using Hulk when it suited him and led directly to him refusing to "come out" for the rest of the film.

According to artwork, Hulk will return in Endgame and now it seems that we're going to see a rematch of the two hulking characters fighting. That's according to a leaked Funko! set that bundles them together just as Captain America and Spider-Man were bundled for Civil War because of the moment that Spidey stole Cap's shield.


There can be no justification for them being together other than them sharing a moment...


The set also confirms that Hulk will wear a Quantum Realm suit just as the rest of the survivors do for their mission. Curiously, he's been left out of the trailer shots of the heroes walking across the hangar, presumably to preserve the sight of Banner Hulked out again. Clearly, his performance issues are done with and they've come to some sort of agreement.

Professor Hulk anyone?


What do you think of this possibility?