Avengers: Infinity War - Chris Evans Teases Nomad Appearance

Cap no more...?

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Comics

Though there are lots of things we already know about Avengers: Infinity War, there's also still a catalogue of unanswered questions and mysteries around the huge MCU event. That's as it should be and long may it continue, even with more trailers on the way, but it's still nice to know some things about upcoming blockbusters if only to get the hype juices further flowing.


One thing that was pretty firmly hinted at in Captain America: Civil War was Steve Rogers' transition away from the Captain America title. By the end of that movie, he was without his shield and had been removed from government duty thanks to his stance on superhero registration and his backing of Bucky. He's now a man apart, even if he is still a hero.

That all fit with the idea that he could reappear in Avengers: Infinity War as Nomad, Rogers' other masked alter-ego from the comics. And Chris Evans clearly knows the rumours around his character development, if his behaviour is anything to go by.


He and fellow supersoldier actor Sebastian Stan appeared at Ace Comic Con and gave a couple of autographs to Mary Schulte that tease the Nomad development, as Evans signed both "Cap" and "Nomad" and Stan added "I'm with Nomad".


Now, Stan has a habit of trolling fans (and the Internet generally), so we can't rule out shenanigans here but it's still fun.

In all likelihood, Steve will not be called Nomad in Infinity War - the only link will be in terms of story and motivation (and probably how he comes back to being Cap before he dies - maybe). But that parallel will probably end up being as deliberate as what Evans and Stan have done here.


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