Avengers: Infinity War Commentary Confirms Major Hulk Theory

Scared? Hulk thinks NOT.

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

Not so long ago, we published a rebuttal theory to the suggestion that Loki was in fact disguised as the Hulk in Avengers: Infinity War, which was apparently why Hulk was "acting so weird" in the film. Essentially, the counter-theory stated that Hulk was merely acting out emotional trauma - he's just had his life turned upside down after Thor: Ragnarok and had everything that was validating him on Sakaar robbed from him.


In essence, his reaction to Bruce Banner in Avengers: Infinity War is a strike back at Banner for doing that to him. He's sick of being used by Banner as a weapon only when he needs him and then packed away, particularly after he's had a taste of freedom and being in control in Ragnarok.

There was some suggestion that Hulk was actually refusing to come to Banner's rescue because of his initial fight with Thanos. Because he was beaten up so easily, it was theorised that he was actually SCARED of Thanos so was cowering away from further conflict. Despite that sounding nothing like what he'd actually do.


And now, the audio commentary for Avengers: Infinity War has also doubly confirmed that Hulk's behaviour is down to his feelings about Banner, rather than his fear of Thanos. Hulk was merely just uninterested in saving Banner, and who can blame him? Director Joe Russo talks about Hulk's arc:

"This was an interesting journey we went on with Banner, trying to decide how we move him forward in the Marvel Universe. What makes him unique as a character is that there is a host body that is being fought over by two distinct personalities who hate each other. And both want control of the host body. So we thought an interesting direction to take him in is what if Banner, who typically uses the Hulk to solve crisis situations, what if the Hulk were no longer interested in solving those problems for Banner? So that the relationship is becoming increasingly dysfunctional. That's what's going on here."
"People have speculated whether there was some fear on the Hulk's part about having to face Thanos again. But I think ultimately what it is, is that he's tired of playing hero to Bruce Banner."

Remember, this is the guy who just ruined his life. He was a hero on Sakaar, adored for his exploits in the arena and treated like the other Avengers are on Earth by their supporters rather than as a monster. Then Banner comes along and makes him irrelevant again, immediately proving he still thinks of him as a weapon to be used sparingly and at his own leisure when he brings him out to fight Thanos.


Hulk doesn't want to be used.

This fits in with previous comments by the directors about the misinterpretation of Hulk's reasons for abandoning Banner:

“People have interpreted as the Hulk’s scared. But it’s really reflective of his journey from Ragnarok, that these two characters are constantly in conflict with each other over control.”
“We thought it’d be more interesting to explore Banner as a hero rather than someone that whines to get help from his alter-ego who he dislikes. The Hulk is not interested in helping [Banner] anymore. These two have reached an impasse with each other.”

So there you have it, he wasn't scared, he just wasn't going to play ball any more.

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