Avengers: Infinity War Has A 1960s Flashback

Could Agent Carter be coming back?

By Simon Gallagher /


It looks like Avengers: Infinity War is going to have some time travel involved.


According to two new casting calls that have hit the web, the film will include at least one scene set in the 1960s, which is most likely a flashback of some sort.

The information comes via Central Casting Georgia’s Facebook posts for the project “Mary Lou,” which is the working title for Infinity War with the casting calls looking for Caucasian female extras to play 1960s engineers and secretaries/clerks. They're needed on set for just three days, so presumably it's not a long requirement:



This is despite the fact that principal photography has already wrapped, with the Russos moving on with Avengers 4's filming, so this must be some additional sequences.

Given the time period, it's impossible not to think that we might be getting a look at the earlier days of SHIELD, with hints already appearing that Peggy Carter might be involved in some way.


Alternatively, of course, this could be a hint that Doctor Strange will actually harnass the power of the Time Stone in a different way to actually look into the past. But it's still more likely that it's something to do with Carter and SHIELD.

Then again, it might be a post-credits stinger setting up Captain Marvel's probable Secret Invasion storyline, perhaps showing an early infiltration?


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