Avengers: Infinity War - Official Infinity Stone Powers Revealed (And What They Mean)

So THAT's what the Soul Stone actually does...

By Simon Gallagher /

Marvel Studios

It won't be too long until you can all enjoy watching your favourite Marvel characters being killed off or watching their best friends die as Avengers: Infinity War lands on home release. Get hyped: it's about to get an awful lot more dusty in here again.


And ahead of the release, Marvel have revealed another of the extra features that will be bundled with the movie when it's out: a featurette looking at the Infinity Stones, which interestingly offers an official definition of each of their powers in the MCU.

This is a fairly big deal, because the power-sets of the Infinity Gems in the comics have been broadly changed and the ones in the MCU - at times - have been somewhat open to interpretation. And on top of that, the question of the Soul Stone's actual definition was always a little unclear.


Here's the featurette in question...

So, what are the powers that have been revealed, what do they mean for the MCU (both future and past) and what else is important about them?


6. The Space Stone

Marvel Studios

Power: Travel across any dimension

Item: The Tesseract



It's interesting that Marvel choose to add that "any dimension" caveat at the end of the description, rather than simply "anywhere" as it's not something that's come up so far in the MCU. The only way we've seen inter-dimensional travel is in Doctor Strange's magical powers and Ant-Man's access to the Quantum Realm.


It had been assumed that Ant-Man would use the Quantum Realm as a means to time travel safely away from Thanos' attentions, it might not be quite as simple if he can fast-travel to any dimension. And, of course, the "dimensional travel" element COULD offer an explanation for the victims of the snap being sent somewhere else rather than simply killed (because who is to say that Thanos even used the Gauntlet correctly?)

Difference To Comics:


The page version of the Stone has other abilities including the ability to move any object anywhere throughout reality; warp or rearrange space; increase the user's speed; and alter the distance between objects contrary to the laws of physics. Used to its full potential, the Space Gem basically makes the user omnipresent.