Avengers: Infinity War - Stan Lee Teases Mystery New Character
"The Man" teases a fan-pleasing new addition.
You can always rely on someone attached to major Marvel movies to drop some pretty big hints ahead of release, and this time it's Stan Lee who has offered a little tease.
The Marvel supremo appeared at a Q&A in Des Moines, Iowa, and told the assembled guests - including Gamezone - that there's a major new character in Avengers: Infinity War, before he was told by his assistant he couldn't discuss it any further. He did add that fans will be pleased with the new addition though, which is delightfully enticing.
The cast of the upcoming ensemble is already enormous, and the revelation that it's set to grow even bigger might come as a surprise to some, but with another slate of movies planned in the wake of Avengers 4, it makes sense that they'd start seeding future possibilities.
It's probably unlikely Lee is talking about Captain Marvel, as it's already established that Brie Larson will make her debut in the film (though he might not know that's established information), and James Gunn says Adam Warlock won't appear again until Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 3 (bit film-makers lie).
There are other possibilities of course - with Peter Dinklage's character still unrevealed and the tantalising possibility of him playing MODOK refusing to go away completely.
For now, we'll just have to wait and see and enjoy the speculation.