BATMAN 3 should be called...

By Matt Holmes /

Sure it's obvious, especially in the post-BATMAN RETURNS, SUPERMAN RETURNS and THE MUMMY RETURNS universe and yes, it is a complete rip-off from the title Frank Miller used in the 80's for the most important Batman graphic novel of all time, but, I still say this is the title to use. If Warner Bros. want to make another $1 billion, then what could be better to arose interest? After THE DARK KNIGHT and how incredible that movie was this year, who wouldn't be having wet dreams over a title like THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS? Though at this point any other title is impossible to predict as whatever they choose it will have to relate to the theme of the film as mapped out by Christopher Nolan, Jonathan Nolan and David Goyer. And so it's a fruitless exercise really at this point as officially no third movie has even been announced yet. Though BATMAN R.I.P. would have been a devilishly cool and fascinating title for the end of Nolan's trilogy. BATMAN FOREVER was always a cool title, shame that can't be used though I wouldn't mind seeing BATMAN return to the title. Hell, if they are struggling what about just BATMAN or THE BATMAN? It's got to be better than BATMAN: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN. Did I mention there was no news today?
