Batman V Superman: 10 Behind The Scenes Shots That Will Get You Excited

Behind the battle of the capes, things are hotting up!

By Sean Lunt /

Despite the fact that Warner Bros. try to keep information about their films as secret as possible, we already know quite a lot about Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice. As one of the most hotly anticipated and talked about films currently in production, fans of Superman, Batman and general film lovers are keen to get their hands on as much information as possible. Given the fact that the film isn€™t going to be hitting cinemas till 2016, it€™s a long wait for fans until they can set their eyes upon their favourite heroes once again. These people are keen to see every behind the set photo that is available, regardless of the quality or lack of anything interesting. Others go the other way, refusing to witness anything that is about the film and preferring not to have it spoiled for them before they sit down to witness it in the cinemas. So what do we already know? Henry Cavill is back as Superman and Ben Affleck is taking up the Batman mantle, as an aged Bruce Wayne. Jeremy Irons will be taking over the mantle of faithful butler Alfred Pennyworth, while the likes of Laurence Fishbourne and Amy Adams are back as Perry White and Lois Lane respectively. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and Lex Luthor have all been confirmed to be making appearances as well, with a whole host of other characters being rumoured to make appearances. This list is going to avoid the obvious photos of the new Batmobile and the new Batsuit, as well as Henry Cavill as Superman or Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. Instead we want to take a look at some of the other photos that have been revealed by those internet sleuths, such as set locations, interesting architecture and even the odd bit of green screen clothing. We will then theorise on what their inclusion could mean for the film in general. So read on, and take a look at 10 behind the scenes photos that should get you excited for Batman vs Superman. Also, please note that spoilers are prevalent from here on in, so read on at your own peril.