Batman V Superman: 10 Biggest Things We Still Don't Know

From Lex Luthor's hair style to the status of Commissioner Gordon...

By Jack Pooley /

It's a little over a year to go until Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice finally lands on cinema screens, yet with no trailer released to date (though at least a teaser surely has to be on the way) and the set being fiercely guarded against leaks, it's safe to say that the production is pretty much just a series of question marks so far. The cast and crew have remained tight-lipped on most of the big mysteries, only offering up coy hints at best, which leaves fans in a curious position: nobody can figure out if this movie is going to be any good or not. Batman V Superman will likely be one extreme: it'll either be a superbly-executed work of wish-fulfillment, or a cluttered, incomprehensible misfire, and, frankly, it could totally go either way. The key to figuring this out (short of just watching the film in a year's time, of course) lies in getting the answers to these 10 questions: they're what every fan of these characters is dying to know, and it's possible that a few of them might go unanswered until you're sat in the cinema giddily waiting to see whether it's worth all the fuss. From the mystery surrounding Bats' ability to fight the Man Of Steel to unspecified roles for name actors and everything in-between, here are the 10 biggest things we still don't know about Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice...
