Batman V Superman: 10 Reasons We're Worried For Justice League

It's time for a change.

By Jack Pooley /

You've probably had a chance to soak in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice for yourself by now, a landmark film in many ways that's pretty much custom-built to divide, to frustrate at least as many as it entertains. A controversial and arguably disappointing movie is one thing, but as Warner Bros. are busy building the beginnings of an inter-connected DC Extended Universe, it's safe to say that audience confidence in the upcoming two-part Justice League saga has taken a significant hit.


A movie as huge as DC's version of The Avengers is always going to be a tricky feat to pull off, and Batman v Superman pretty much illustrates what could go wrong and why: it's certainly going to damage the hype going into Justice League and keep a huge chunk of the fan-base skeptical until they can see it for themselves.

Maybe Warner Bros. nail it, or maybe it's an abject disaster, but regardless of the final outcome, here are 10 reasons we're worried for Justice League...
